Coffee & Cake with... Sue Allen

Date:    Saturday 18 May 2024
Time: 10 AM – 12 noon BST (GMT + 1)
Cost: £35 (payment deadline 14 May 2024)
Venue: Online via Zoom
Tutor: Sue Allen

Have you ever wanted to know more about Sue Allen? To be able to ask her a question that isn't strictly limited to what she is teaching? Well, this is your opportunity to do so!

Sue has had a long and varied life and career from both a human and spiritual perspective and has many fascinating stories and experiences to share with you. Participants will be able to submit up to three questions, in advance, that they'd like to ask Sue so that they might find out more about her.

All questions need to be submitted to by Tuesday 14th May. We will then collate those questions and Sue will endeavour to answer as many of them that she can on the day. Please note that Sue will not be tuning into participants or answering any diagnostic questions.

Sadly, as much as we'd love to be able to provide coffee and cake for all of you, even we are limited in what we can achieve energetically – so please provide your own refreshments!

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You can choose to pay for this event through any of the payment methods supported by PayPal. If you do not already have a PayPal account you can create one as part of the checkout process.

When you click to pay, this page will display your PayPal account sign-in page, and then show the order status when payment is completed.

If you would rather pay by bank transfer, or by any other means, please contact us and we will email you our bank details.

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Coffee & Cake With... Sue Allen

Please pay to secure your place for this event.